Mistery Tour

We no longer start to see a place,
but to immerse ourself in an experience.

Small villages, historical sites, museums, period residences, cellars and local companies become the places of a history with noir paints and, as such, somehow hide testimonies of the events that happened. It will be up to you to shed light on the mystery!

We started from this premise to try to create “a playful-cultural experience” that had the aim of promoting the territory in an original way involving the tourist firsthand:

  1. dropping it into a story,
  2. entrusting him with a mission,
  3. making him feel the protagonist, an active part of his itinerary.

This is how “Mistery Tour” was born, a new experience where the tourist/player discovers the territory and its riches while playing the role of a “detective”.

Work in Progress is an event organization company born in 2017 and based in Perugia. Its mission is to design and propose original, engaging and alternative experiences, designing and creating themed events that value the territory and the cultural heritage of Umbria. We collaborate with museums, companies, public entities, guides and tour operators.